Monday, May 3, 2010

Line driving

Ollie did great for the move. She loaded right up. Although, she was having a freaking fit in the trailer. She'll get over it with more practice! 

At the last barn, they were on pasture board. Now they have their own stalls (which I'll probably rarely use). I kept them in last night, just to let them settle before throwing them in with their new herd. Oddly, neither of them pooped or peed very much? I mean, they DID poop and pee, just not as much as I expected. I guess they weren't in there that long. I'm used to the stalls at the old barn where the horses were in alllll of the time.
I got there at about 10am this morning and let them both run around the arena while I cleaned out their stalls. Then I got Bones out- you can read about his day here

When I was done with Bones, I got Ollie and tied her to the post. Now that I'm writing this, I realize that I didn't groom her at all (OOPS!- lol). I put the english saddle on her, and her boots. She looks sooo cute in english tack!

Then we went to the arena to do some lunging. Still doing well going to the left. And improving on the right! Yay! I think she's starting to get it! =D I decided to stick with walking on the right side until she is doing good, and then move to trotting.

After that I line drove her a little bit. She actually didn't do bad. A little confused at first, but not bad at all!
I put them out in the field, and of course Bones was acting like the stallion he now (for whatever reason) thinks he is. Ollie just pranced around like a little princess. Lol 
All was well when I left, let's hope it stayed that way!

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