Wednesday, May 19, 2010

"Trail ride" and jumps

Steve and I went on a "trail ride" on Saturday. I ended up just walking Ollie most of the way. She really needs more time in the arena. She just wouldn't walk forward, was throwing her head everywhere, etc. I am getting her teeth floated as soon as I can get a hold of the guy who does them. I might also try her in a different bit. I have her in a full check, single jointed snaffle right now. I've been researching a bit about bits (ha!) and am re-thinking the single jointed snaffle. 

Steve bought a couple of jump standards (for whatever reason! Lol) and I free lunged Ollie over them a few times last night. She was so hilarious the first few times. She over jumped BIG TIME!, the hopped over like a deer. Goofy girl! She got the hang of it though. 

Other than that, I haven't really messed with her a lot. I'm heading out there soon to hopefully spend some time with her.


Haylee said...

wow! She looks beautiful. She's really gotten back into shape

Jess said...

Thanks, Haylee! =)